Hi, I’m Jess

I’m a writer, poet, and astrologer. My life changed when I started living astrology and integrating it into my creative practices. This substack exists because I can’t help but talk about it.

A few years ago I started taking my writing dreams seriously. I dedicated myself to my craft, took oodles of workshops and had epic Gandolf-Balrog status battles with my own imposter syndrome. It all led me to submitting my work and getting comfortable sharing my voice.

Throughout 2023 I laid claim to my little corner of the internet, publishing articles, videos and teaching about my two obsessions that exceed all others: astrology and writing.

Learning astrology helped me learn about my strengths. Learning my birth chart felt like a permission slip to lean into things I had always felt drawn to, helped me make goals and move toward them. Goals like getting published, finding community, writing manuscripts.

I wanted a more direct, consistent way to connect with people who find value in my offerings, from writing and astrology to relatable nonsense memes. I’m excited to expand into what this platform has to offer and touch base with you more often.

What is Jess June writing about?

  • Astrology for Creatives - This includes all things that fall under my weird little niche. Getting to know the signs and planets through the lens of creativity. Learning to use your own birth chart as a tool for your creative toolbox.

  • Astrology for Poets - Think of this as a hyper specific Astrology for Creatives. Here I like to dig deeper into poems and the birth charts poets who write them.

  • My writing journey - Workshops I’m taking, classes I would recommend, places I submit to (sometimes), manuscript things.

  • Memes - ofc.

  • Astro Scenes - A personal fave. I study storytelling through the screen, too. This is where the movies, shows and media I consume mix together with the astro knowledge in my brain. I use my astro knowledge to dissect story through character, scene and plot.

My Lore

As a Scorpio rising I have many obsessions including but not limited to raising a human, learning crochet, fantasy fiction, anime, spooky stuff, platform shoes, and storytelling. Two of my favorite things about myself are that I’m a writer and a mother. A close third is the fact that I have two small poodles, who are so precious and ethereal they may or may not be real.

Despite having no college degrees to speak of, my poetry has been published in various lit mags and zines. I credit my Capricorn stellium in the 3rd house of communication for making me utterly hellbent on learning and improving my craft. My poetry chapbook, Through The Red Door's Open Maw, is available now with Beyond The Veil Press. In 2024 I became a Roots. Wounds. Words Storytellers of Color Fellow for my fantasy fiction WIP.


I write a column for

called Lunar Lit, an astrological guide for writers and creatives.

I’m part of the speculative fiction cohort of 3rd Space at Roots. Wounds. Words.

I read birth charts (schedule a mini reading or order a written reading here on my website!)

I wear many hats, I write many things.

Excited to be here with you. Let’s go!!🔥🔥

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Hi, I'm Jess, your creative writing astrology bestie! Writer, poet and astrologer obsessed with using astro to elevate my craft. Writing about the writing life, astrology, and pop culture.


writer, poet, astrologer